Worship, Learn, & Serve as a Family
The CYF Ministry Team is committed to helping people of all generations grow together towards a mature faith in the Triune God. A mature faith shows itself in such ways as having a positive spirit, seeking spiritual growth, making faith a way of life through practice, living a life of service, and speaking publicly about faith. Through a focus on age-level ministries, ministry with parents, developing and equipping leaders, and multigenerational church-wide programming, the CYF team seeks to help all be the presence of Christ in their daily lives so that others will follow Him.

Click Below to Serve in Sunday School
Serving in CYF
Between Sunday School Teachers, Confirmation Leaders, and High School Sunday School Leaders, we need a grand total of 47 people to make this year transformational!
Sunday School
Lead Teacher: Leads a prepared lesson plan that is given to you in advance. Supplies are set up for you before you arrive on the day you are leading, with everything you need to teach.
Need 3 People Weekly
10:45 - 11:45 AM Sundays
Crew Guide: Assists the Lead Teacher with the children by helping to keep kids on task. Helps young children with cutting, gluing, playing games, etc.
Need 5 People Weekly
10:45 - 11:45 AM Sundays
Confirmation Mentor: A mentor is someone who will join the youth once a month to walk through a devotional together.
Mentors Needed 20
10:45 - 11:45 AM Once a month.
Confirmation Small Group Guide:
A guide is someone who is comfortable and willing to lead a group of 5 or 6 youth through group conversations, games and activities all centered around growing in understanding and faith.
Guides needed 4
10:45 - 11:45 AM Once a month
Extravaganza Host: Maybe up-front ministry is not your forte but you really enjoy, hospitality, logistics and making sure events run smoothly.
Hosts needed- at least 3
9:15 - 1 PM Once a month
Youth Group
We are asking for adults to come and join Youth Group as participants, to form those faith based relationships with youth. 9:15 a.m. every Sunday we meet in the High School Youth room. Join us as you are for fun, fellowship, and faith!
Need 4 People
10:45 - 11:45 AM Sundays
Additional Information
Children Youth and Family Volunteer Interest Form
Click Here
Sunday School Registration
Click Here
Click Here
Youth Events Form
Click Here
Family Worship Sign-Up Form
Click Here
Stay up to date on all of our events by checking our CYF Event Calendar.
Pastor Erin Morris, Associate Pastor of CYF [email protected]
Chris Justesen, Director of RLC Child Development Center [email protected]
Brenda O’Connor, Director of Children and Family Ministries [email protected]